Smart Reply - Others

Not Available Message
This message will be sent if your customer or client texting your Whatsapp Number and their message is not including in any other chatbot content (Chatbot by Keyword or Flowbuilder) and their already receive Welcome Message.
Requester - Keyword Reply
This messages link with Chatbot -> Keyword Reply -> Direct. There are some template messages to help you get interact with you customer or client when they requesting direct chat with operators.
Searching Operator: Inform the requester (customer or client) if system in searching for available operator.
On Session: Requester already in session with available operator, any chat sent from requester to your Whatsapp Number will be redirected to the operator.
Not Available Operator: If there are no available operator to be directed.
On Queue: If there are available operator but they were on session with someone else, so they have to wait until those session finished.
Operator - Keyword Reply
This messages link with Chatbot -> Keyword Reply -> Direct. There are some template messages to inform operators if they starting or finishing session with direct chat requester.
Start Session: Inform the operator if they already in session with requester, any chat sent from operator to your Whatsapp Number will be redirected to the requester.
Finished Session: Inform the operator if they finished session with requester.